Rat's house

Mistakes made by young and old

The weather is rather fickle these days.
The job I had lined up for September has kicked off in full swing. One of the core team members has given their notice, and I fill in for them until they hire someone permanently. When they showed me around in the main bureau and showroom, grandiose with its high white walls and large window front made of frosted glass, I could see myself getting used to working there.

That was, until they guided me out along the production floor into a grubby brown building where there are no toilet facilities. Yes, ladies and gentlefolk, I have to cross the street to go potty.
The team is kind, but I notice that the recent changes have shaken them quite a bit. The fugitive glances and knowing looks that they share during meetings are telling of what truly plays in the background. 


My dearest sister is currently using email communications to terrorize our mother's administrator. It has been one of the loveliest CC's I have ever been included in. What she lacks in courage over the phone, she makes up for in her shrewd and persistent emails. Truly a force to be reckoned with, once she crawls into her pen.

The administrator is not proactive and bills have been piling up. They have not replied to any emails sent in the past 3 weeks. My sister saw no other solution than to draft a letter to complain to my mother's caseworker. Only she did not send it to the caseworker, oh no.
She sent it to the administrator herself. I was the first to take notice; by then any chance of retrieving it had long passed. My sister was ashamed, I was delighted. The administrator replied within 10 minutes.

I think everyone makes a mistake like this at least once in their life, or multiple times, like me.
For example, I once sent a general mail inquiring for an internship to multiple companies at the same time. But I did not use BCC (blind copy). So every single one of them could see all the other companies I had sent the mail to. Only one company reacted to inform me delicately that this was not the proper way to send out an email. It was honestly humiliating, but a very good lesson in itself. 

What kind of tomfoolery have you been involved in?

Unprofessional greetings,