Rat's house

Pooping habits at work


I can poop at work, yes indeed.
But that does not mean I'm not stressed about it. When I wash my hands after taking a dump I wash them 4.3x faster to avoid having to see someone go in my stall and hear their reaction to my creation, realizing that I am the culprit as soon as their bum touches the lukewarm toilet seat.
In the worksplace these kind of little things may influence how someone sees you for a long, long time. I wouldn't say I exactly care about it, but I rather do not cross the the gaze of Peter from accounting right after I decided to full world war I on his choice of toilet.

You often see or hear that people always pick the same one. In that aspect, I actively make an effort to switch toilets and not have a "preferred" one. I once read in an article that the most chosen was the one closest to the exit or the sink.


God... I am bored at work, aren't I?

Did I write this at work? Perhaps.


Update: I had to laugh out loud at this sequence of posts. Most recent posts