Rat's house

The universe has a dark sense of humour

To say that I love cats is a severe understatement. It's like saying that I like a glass of water when I am thirsty. I love, love cats. When I take a walk around my neighborhood to get my 10.000 steps a day, I am factoring in the time I will spend petting all the cats from around the area.

There is only one tiny problem; I am severely allergic to cats. Nothing else, I got it all tested. Just cats. Guess which animal I really would have liked to keep as a pet? Guess what I wrote down as a little kid, what my biggest wish in the world was? I have tried the strongest allergy pills, those kind of help for short encounters (I just have to watch out that I don't touch my face), but they don't help when for example I visit someone who has an indoor cat.

My love for cats is so strong, that I just take every reaction head on. I WILL bury my head in their fur and I WILL not surrender. I'll just have to accept the white and red circles on my skin, the snot and the tears a testament to the fight I'm putting up.

This is my middle finger to the universe, signed in mucus, you cannot and will not stop me from loving what I love!
